Fame and glory to all the participants of the international competition “In the Spirit of Strzelecki “. The Year of Strzelecki has come to an end, abounding in important and attractive events. That is all gone. But the most important event was the competition, the aftermath of which, in the form of an Ebook, will remain with us forever and ever. Here is an online anthology of the most interesting works: artworks, poems and songs in Polish and English. All of this is housed in 250 beautifully illustrated pages. The ebook was prepared by the editors: Justyna Tarnowska and Ernestyna Skurjat-Kozek. The Foreword was written by the eminent Australian poet Peter Skrzynecki.

Click on photo to be able to open links

In addition to selected works from the volume, there are also photographs and biographies of the artists participating in the competition. In total, 182 works by over 90 authors from 9 countries of the world (Australia, Austria, Bulgaria, Ireland, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and the United States). Their works were judged by 12 jurors from 4 countries around the world. The competition (including the costs of the prizes and the competition gala, as well as the costs of producing the Ebook) was possible thanks to a grant from the Chancellery of the Prime Minister (KPRM).

In addition to the competition entries, we have decided to include a few non-competitive entries that will duly justify their presence in the anthology. Oh, they will be delicious surprises.

Let us note with joy that among the poems there are some that will satisfy the expectations of every reader: schoolchildren will squeal with joy that they have found poems which they will be able to recite at academies; but there are also many poems that you will be able to read in solitude, savoring every word, every metaphor. We encourage you to load the Ebook onto your computer or a mobile device, to be able to easily navigate between the PDF file and the links connected to the songs placed on other servers eg. YouTube.

Strzelecki Ebook,our great work available here.Link to the High Resolution version
Strzelecki Ebook, our great work available here. Link to the Standard Resolution version

There is something for everyone: numerous poems dealing with Aboriginal issues, equally numerous works referring to the Great Famine in Ireland and, of course, those that depict the image of the faithful Adyna. There are, of course, a lot of sad and romantic threads, but our anthology is not devoid of humor or satire. Humour is present not only in poems and songs, but perhaps most of all in the illustrations (and comics) of the competition.

We have published two versions of the Ebook. One (108 MB) loads quickly and easily. The second one (346 MB) takes a bit longer to load, but it has the advantage that the illustrations it contains You can view at a very high resolution, e.g. you may enlarge it by 400%. A huge copy can be printed from this version, which can be useful to many set designers!

We hope that after reading the poems and listening to the songs, our favorite fragments will resound in our ears for a long time. This excerpt from Mariola Kruszewska’s poem follows me day and night:

What’s up with me
Gold, copper or oil deposits
Governors’ hugs and a shower of medals
Fools don’t know
That it’s a journey to you
And an escape from you Adyno M far-off longed-for land Finish Line

So feel free to click on the version of the Ebook: Standard Resolution or High Resolution. Send the link to your friends. Maybe you would like to organize in your local environment Ebook promotions? Let us know.

We hope that radio stations – enchanted by the songs about Strzelecki – will present them on air from time to time. Let us also remind you that in our repertoire we have several dozen songs about T. Kościuszko, which are the fruit of the international competition of 2017 – the Year of Kościuszko. There are many anniversaries related to Kościuszko. Don’t you worry, we have the right songs in abundance.

If you wish to contact us: office@kosciuszkoheritage.com or phone 612 9484 1740.

Dr Ernestyna Skurjat-Kozek
President of the Kosciuszko Heirtage Inc.
Initiator and Organisator of the International Competition ‘In the Spirit of Strzelecki’

Source: https://www.zrobtosam.com/PulsPol/Puls3/index.php?sekcja=1&arty_id=23131
Photo: ebook cover


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Miro Wróbel – architekt i malarz

Born in Poland. Graduated from Politechnical University of Gdansk with Master degree in Architecture and later obtained B.A in Printmaking at RMIT in Melbourne. Between 1975-81 participated in “Mail Art”