A delegation of the Monero-Ngarigo is leaving tomorrow (May 9th 2023) for a two-week trip to Poland in the footsteps of Paul Edmund Strzelecki who 183 years ago named the highest Australian mountain after Thaddeus Kosciuszko. Monero Ngarigo are Traditional Custodians of Mt Kosciuszko.

The trip is under the Honorary Patronage of the Australian Ambassador in Poland H.E. Lloyd D. H. Brodrick.

The delegation is made of two Ngarigo elders: Aunty Iris J. White and Uncle John and other members of the tribe. It is accompanied by Djinama Yiliga Choir directed by Cheryl Davison-Overton. The whole group is led by Prof. Andrzej Kozek, vice president of Kosciuszko Heritage Inc., the chief organizer of the celebrations of the Year of Strzelecki as proclaimed by the Polish Parliament.

The Program includes talks under the motto “Monero Ngarigo and Poles – On reclaiming Identity” as well as performances by the choir singing in a Dhurga language, with guitarist Melanie Horsnell.

Guests from Australia will meet and perform in Poznan, where Strzelecki was born; in Warsaw, where Paul attended a High School; and in Krakow where he witnessed a construction of the Kosciuszko Mound.

The meetings and performances will take place in KRAKÓW (Kopiec Kosciuszki, 11th of May & Muzeum Krakowa 13th of May), in POZNAŃ (Głuszyna 15th of May, Pawilon 16th of May) and WARSZAWA (Ursus 18th of May and Muzeum Niepodległości on 19th of May).

For further information contact Ernestyna Skurjat-Kozek (KHI President) on 0408 897 358, or ernestyna@kosciuszkoheritage.com

Source: https://www.zrobtosam.com/PulsPol/Puls3/index.php?sekcja=1&arty_id=22716

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