On March 12, 2023, the authorities of the city of Poznań and the inhabitants of Poznań met at the monument of Paweł Edmund Strzelecki, located in the Łazarz district. On the 183rd anniversary of climbing Mount Kościuszko, they laid a bouquet of flowers.

Then they went to the School Complex No. 8 in Poznań, where prizes were awarded in the Art Competition “In the Footsteps of Paweł Edmund Strzelecki. On a trip around the world.”

Classes I-III category:
First place – Marianna Delimata from the Paweł Edmund Strzelecki Primary School No. 53 in Poznań
Second place – Izabela Frydrych from the Knights of the Order of the Smile Primary School in Daszewice
Third place – Maja Tuliszka-Krempholc from the Jarogniew Drwęski Primary School No. 69 in Poznań.
Distinctions – Adrianna Czapczyk from the Jerzy Kukuczka Primary School No. 58 in Poznań and Leonard Maćkowiak from Primary School in Stęszew

The winners and the distinction participants from the classes I-III category

Classes IV-VIII category:
First place – Alicja Pawłoszek from the Jarogniew Drwęski Primary School No. 69 in Poznań
Second place – Pola Szczepańska from the Knights of the Order of the Smile Primary School in Daszewice
Third place – Michał Prajwowski from the Jerzy Kukuczka Primary School No. 58 in Poznań
Distinctions – Iga Ziętek from the Paweł Edmund Strzelecki Primary School with Integration Branches No. 154 in Warsaw, Antoni Berliński from the Jarogniew Drwęski Primary School No. 69 in Poznań and Anna Wolarska from the Knights of the Order of the Smile Primary School in Daszewice

The winners and the distinction participants from the classes IV-VIII category

Source: http://www.poznan.pl/mim/info/news/poznan-pamieta-o-pawle-edmundzie-strzeleckim,199052.html
Main photo: school academy dedicated to Paweł Edmund Strzelecki in the School Complex No. 8 in Poznań (March 12, 2023).

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