Will it inspire those taking part in our competition? The famous booklet about Strzelecki in Ireland

Back in 2012 KHI published a tiny but important book written by Felix Molski The best of Human Nature. Strzelecki’s Humanitarian Work in Ireland. It’s been out of stock for some time but luckily we have discovered the master copy (PDF) which was sent to the printery.

Wonderful discovery, right in time. Those who wish to take part in the International Strzelecki Competition may find it higly inspirational. So here it is. Available all over the world. Only 39 pages including colour & b&w ilustrations. All yours.

Brochure “The Best of Human Nature: Strzelecki’s Humanitarian Work in Ireland” is available HERE.

Source: https://www.zrobtosam.com/PulsPol/Puls3/index.php?sekcja=1&arty_id=22625
Main photo: book cover by Łukasz Świątek

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