A Sydney-based organisation Kosciuszko Heritage Inc. invites you to attend events dedicated to Paweł Edmund Strzelecki. The planned events end the celebration of the Strzelecki Year and will take place from October to December 2023 in Victoria and New South Wales. RSVP by September 2, 2023!

Grand Finale of the International Strzelecki Competition: jury verdict in poetry, music and fine arts categories; exhibition, live concert and reception

Friday October 5, 2023 at 7 pm
The Bryan Brown Theatre, Bankstown, NSW

Strzelecki Memorial Unveiling + concert

Saturday November 18, 2023
10 am – Strzelecki Memorial Unveiling, Towong Hill Rd, Towong, VIC
11 am – reception and concert at the Corryong Memorial Hall, Corryong, VIC

Polish-Aboriginal Friendship Flights over Geehi & Mt Kosciuszko

Sunday November 19, 2023 from 10 am
Khancoban Airstrip, Khancoban, NSW

The End of the Strzelecki Year Gala Concert

Saturday December 16, 2023 at 7 pm
Polish House “Syrena”, Rowville, VIC

Respond to ernestyna@kosciuszkoheritage.com.
More information: Ernerstyna (02) 9484 1740, mob. 0408 897 358

Promoting poster

For a a detailed, updated program of events look at the link below:

FACTSHEETS: Kosciuszko & Strzelecki: The Men, the Mountain, the Monument. Brochure produced by the NSW National
Parks & Wildlife Services of the Office of Environment and Heritage, on behalf of Kosciuszko Heritage see the link:


Source: https://www.zrobtosam.com/PulsPol/Puls3/index.php?dzial=1&sekcja=1&arty_id=22892
Title picture: promoting poster

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