Dwa miesiące po rozpoczęciu Międzynarodowego Konkursu “W duchu Strzeleckiego” otrzymaliśmy pierwszą konkursową pracę muzyczną. Piosenka pt. “Pawel’s Children” przywędrowała do nas z Irlandii, a jej autorem jest Peter McCluskey – irlandzki muzyk, piosenkarz, pisarz i malarz.

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Pawel’s Children

The birds have all left us now
The winter’s closing in
The children they are fading in our arms
We hope and pray Strzelecki food
will raise them up again
Paweł, he will keep them safe from harm.

And all across this land
Our children stay in school
And wait for Paweł to bring them food.
And on this very day, you have our solemn vow
Paweł will have our lasting gratitude

The fields are all frozen now
The people hang their heads
Many a child has taken to its bed.
And now that our crops have failed
We cry out Paweł’s name.
We know that he will help us once again.


The day and night are just the same
In our Irish homes
The sun it seems to weep in the sky
But now we know with Paweł’s help
The hunger pains will fade
Our children will grow stronger by and by.


About artist (from Peter’s website):
Peter McCluskey is originally from Dublin but lives in Kildare. He has contributed articles, reports and photographs to a variety of Irish and UK newspapers and magazines. He published four novels: “Boys In The River” “Here Comes Robert Kingdom”, “My Little Lighthouse”, and his fourth book, “Careful With That Axe Eugene!”
He was a board member of The Music Publishers’ Association of Ireland for ten yers and a director of Danceline Records and Music Publishers for twenty years.
He holds a Science Degree (I.T.) from Dublin City University.
Peter lives in Celbridge, County Kildare where he composes/records songs and music in traditional Irish and contemporary folk styles.He is a member of two traditonal Irish music sessions and plays music weekly. He is also a member of two local art groups and exhibits and sells his watercolours regularly.

Źródło: https://www.zrobtosam.com/PulsPol/Puls3/index.php?sekcja=1&arty_id=22710
Zdjęcie tytułowe: http://www.petermccluskey.com/news.html

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