Zdobyliśmy z Narodowego Archiwum Brytyjskiego zabytkowe akta Strzeleckiego dotyczące naturalizacji, czyli wniosku o uzyskanie obywatelstwa brytyjskiego. Znajdujemy w nich podanie Strzeleckiego, zamieszkałego ówcześnie na Picadilly, pod nr 117. Podanie nosi datę 14 listopada. Jak wynika z innego dokumentu, aplikant (wniosek 278) uzyskał zgodę już 28 listopada 1845. A więc w pół roku po wydaniu dzieła “Physical Description of New South Wales and Van Diemen’s Land” nasz wielki podróżnik był już obywatelem Wielkiej Brytanii. Poniżej tekst podania Strzeleckiego, dającego nam namiastkę stylu i klimatu biurokratycznego epoki wiktoriańskiej.

As the holder of two annuities bought by me at the National Debt Office on the 1st day of December 1843, and the second of July 1844 amounting together to four hundred Pounds per annum; and intending to continue to reside within this Kingdom, I beg leave Most respectfully to pray that you will be prepared to grant to me a certificate of Naturalization in pursuance of the Act of Parliament (…) To the Right Hon. Sir James Graham baronet M.P. and Her Majesty’s Principal Secretary of State for the Home Department.(…) and the 8th year of the Reign of Her Majesty (…)
I Was born at Gluszyna (Kingdom of Prussia) on the 30th June 1797 and am a Prussian subject. I have left my native country in 1822, and out of 23 years of absence from it, I have been residing for nine years and upwards in the British Dominions, viz. for about 4 years in this country, one year in Canada and about 5 years and upwards in the Australian Colonies. These latter colonies I have been exploring on a scientific journey, and the result of my researches I have recently published in a work entitled “Physical Description of New South Wales & Van Diemen’s Land”.
These statements are affirmed by my own affidavit sworn at the Public Office Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, before Griffin Wilson a Master in Chancery, and by four Declarations hereinto annexed, made in due form of Law before (…) Magistrates, and bearing the following signatures i.e, of Samuel Jones Loyd Esq of Lothbury London, Banker; of Bernard Hebeler Esq. 15 York Place, Port Sq London, His Prussian Majesty’s Consul General; – of William Henry FITTON Esq, 53 Upper Harley, London, Doctor of Physic; – and lastly of Matthew Uzielli Esq of 62 King William St, City of London of the firm of C.Devaux & Co. I beg further leave to lay before you copies of Extracts from a Despatch of the Right Hon. Lord Russel when Secretary of State for the Colonies, to George Gipps Captain Genes(?) of the colony of New South Wales and its dependencies, dated 23rd of June 1841 and a dispatch of Sir George Gipps to Lord Russell dated 23 September 1840 concerning myself.
To the Letter Extract I have deemed it necessary to subjoin a note in order to correct the erroneous inscr. Conveyed by Sir George Gipps that I was a political exile – a statement which is sufficiently disproved by the (…)certificate of the Consul General of His Prussian Majesty.
I have the honour to be, Sir,
Your most obedient and humble servant
Paul Edmund De Strzelecki
Pod podaniem znajduje się klauzula o złożeniu przysiegi:
PAUL EDMUND DE STRZELECKI maketh oath and saith that he Deponent is a Prussian nobleman and a native of Gluszyna in the Grand Dutchy of Posen Kingdom of Prussia and was born on the thirtieth day of June in the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety seven and has been residing in this Kingdom and its Dependencies for nine years and upwards (that is to say) for about one year in the province of Canada British North America and for about five years in the colony of New South Wales which said Colony this Department had been exploring on a scientific journey and is now the author of a work entitled “Physical Description of New South Wales and Van Diemen’s Land, and he lastly has been residing in this country for four years and upwards AND this Deponent further saith that he is in the enjoyment of an annuity to the amount of four hundred Pounds Sterling per annum bought by him from the National Debt Office in the first day of December 1843 and on the second day of July 1844 and that he intends to continue to reside within this Kingdom.
Na dole widnieją podpisy w innym kolorze atramentu, a po lewej tekst: Sworn at this Public Office Southampton Buildings this twelfth day of November 1845, before me G.Wilson
a po prawej zamaszysty podpis Strzeleckiego.
Kolejny dokument, jaki chcemy przedstawić, to pismo słynnego bankiera Samuela Jonesa Loyda, późniejszego Lorda Overstona, długoletniego i wiernego przyjaciela Strzeleckiego. Oto jak popierał wniosek Strzeleckiego o brytyjskie obywatelstwo. Zwróćmy uwagę, że Loyd poparcia tego udzielił Strzeleckiemu na długi czas przed jego akcją humanitarną w Irlandii, na której szefem on właśnie (Loyd) go mianował.


LOGO herbowe. I Samuel Jones Loyd of Lathbury, London banker, do solemnly and sincerely declare that I am well acquainted with Paul Edmund de Strzelecki a Prussian Nobleman of the Grand Dutchy of Posen in the Kingdom of Prussia now residing No 117 Piccadilly in the Parish of Saint George, Hanover Square, and that I can conscientiously vouch for his respectability and loyalty of the said Paul Edmund de Strzelecki and for the truth of the several allegations stated in his memorial to the Right Hon. Sir James Graham Baronet and dated the 14th day of November 1845.
And I do further declare that this said Paul Edmund de Strzelecki is the same identic person who made affidavit before Griffin Wilson Esq, a Master of Chancery and referred to in his said memorial dated 14th Nov 1845, and that I am a householder residing in the said City of London.
Poniżej drukowana klauzula: Declared at the Mansion House London this 14th day of Nov. 1845.
Podpis Johnsona i okrągła pieczęć JOHNSON MAYOR 1845-46. A po prawej podpis: S.J. Loyd

Status finansowy brytyjskiego magnata i polskiego szlechetki nie wpłynął negatywnie na wieloletnią przyjaźń. Strzelecki pozostawił po sobie maleńką fortunkę, niecałe dziesięć tysięcy funtów szterlingów.Lord Overtone pozostawił po sobie gigantyczną fortunę w wysokości ponad dwóch milionów funtów (2,118,803.oo).

Źródło: https://www.zrobtosam.com/PulsPol/Puls3/index.php?sekcja=1&arty_id=22584