Just a few hours before flying back to Australia, the Monero Ngarigo representatives, along with Djinama Yiliga Choir decided to visit the Warsaw Uprising Museum and to learn about the fate of Warsaw residents, and the courage of the insurgents, and see the murky tracts of the famous City sewers, the only channels of relatively save activity. With these images in their mind, they moved on to the Chopin International Airport to go home and tell the story to their communities.

Camera: Krzysztof Cmielewski
Editor: Ernestyna Skurjat-Kozek
Deszcz jesienny deszcz/Instrumental, You Tube MBMUSICPL
Kosciuszko Heritage Inc, Sydney, July 2023

Our guests were impressed by the insurgents’ heroic activity in the famous, smelly, slippery sewers. Throughout the Uprising, municipal SEWERS were used for a transportation and communication between separated suburbs; it was utilized also for liaison purposes, transportation of weapons and ammunition, first aid, evacuation of the wounded and of the civilian population. It was a good means of safe evacuation, and the most successful action was the one towards the end of the Uprising when over 5 000 people have been evacuated without drawing the attention of the Germans.


READ MORE About sewers

Watch a video, dur. 5 mins.

Wideo – po polsku

Source: https://www.zrobtosam.com/PulsPol/Puls3/index.php?sekcja=1&arty_id=22820

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