In the contexts listed below, what does in the spirit of Strzelecki mean in general terms? Above all it is up to you to use your imagination and draw from your own interests to determine which of the plethora of this extraordinary man’s life experiences your competition entry will be focused on. Your choice of focus is wide ranging, including but not limited to, the themes listed in each context. Your own reading and research may lead you to other aspects you believe are worthy of focus.

Hence, in the Australian context you may focus on the spirit of multiculturalism (see Strzelecki’s team) — respecting indigenous culture—the spirit of adventure— or what it means to be a man of honour.

What does “in the spirit of Strzelecki” mean in the Irish context? You may focus on his humanitarian deeds in the saving of starving Irish folk— the challenge of prioritizing; overcoming official disapproval, exposing oneself to deadly typhus but staying the course; recruiting the right people to help; maintaining peace of mind while surrounded by death; the scale of his deeds;

What does “in Strzelecki’s spirit” mean in the Polish context? In Wielkopolska – Eternal Love for Adyna; In Kresy – rooting out corruption and restoring Prince F. Sapieha’s Estates.

What does “in Strzelecki’s spirit” mean in the context of exploring the world? The spirit of exotic sea travel – high mountain climbing – building a strong physical condition – geological, vulcanological, mineralogical and palaeontological research; putting together a cartographic record; anthropological and linguistic research.

What does “in Strzelecki’s spirit” mean in the context of London? There are a wide range of themes here, each showing a different spirit. Strzelecki’s public activity; his involvement in emigration committees and numerous charitable organizations. Scientific research for the Royal Geographical Society. Advising prominent British figures. Friendship with the most eminent and richest personalities. His social sphere – salon and court, banquets, hunting. Finally, illness, death, Strzelecki’s Will and related controversies. Each situation reveals yet another aspect worthy of emulation of this man’s extraordinary achievements, character and personality.


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Ogłoszenie werdyktu Międzynarodowego Konkursu “In the Spirit of Strzelecki”

Organizator Konkursu, Kosciuszko Heritage ma przyjemność poinformować, że zakończyły się prace jurorów, którzy po ocenie 182 prac z 9 krajów przyznali w sumie 50 nagród – w tym w kategorii