Monero Ngarigo along with Djinama Yilaga Choir is now in Warsaw, or to be more precise in the suburb of Warsaw, called Ursus, famous for being the craddle of Solidarity movement also known for its large farm tractors factory. The meeting of the Monero Ngarigo Elders and the members of the choir with a large local community took place in a huge ARSUS Cultural Centre.

Monero Ngarigo in Warsaw’s Arsus

President of the Polish Kosciuszko Foundation (PFK) dr Marek Leszek Krzesniak took up the role of a host here. The usual multimedia presentation took place as well as speeches by Traditional Custodians of Mt Kosciuszko, the choir performed as well. And there was a surprise. A song about Strzelecki’s letter to his beloved Adyna was performed here for the first time – composed and sung by a charming soprano Alina Małachowska.

Camera: Krzysztof Cmielewski
Editor: Ernestyna Skurjat-Kozek
Solist: Alina Małachowska
Production: Kosciuszko Heritage Inc. June 2023

The whole collection of our documentaries is placed on our channel.

Title photo: John Dixon points to Strzelecki’s statue on the poster

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