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February 26, 2023
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Djinama Yiliga performing in Warsaw’s ARSUS
Monero Ngarigo along with Djinama Yilaga Choir is now in Warsaw, or to be more precise in the suburb of Warsaw, called Ursus, famous for being the craddle of Solidarity
Poznańskie dzieci startują w konkursie Strzeleckiego
Zapowiada się na to, że konkursów Strzeleckiego będzie jak grzybów po deszczu. W Sydney zbieramy się do ogłoszenia międzynarodowego konkursu (zapowiadanego na 1 marca), z Melbourne słyszymy, że lada dzień
Strzelecki’s List – Frank McNally on a Polish hero of the Great Famine
By an extraordinary coincidence on Wednesday night, I found myself invited to two separate events, both involving exhibitions, both about the Great Famine, and both at 6pm. Fortunately, they were