Preliminary Program of Events in Australia

January-February 2023 a visit of two Irish academics: Assoc. Prof. Emily Mark- FitzGerald (University College Dublin) & Prof. Peter Gray (Queen’s University Belfast) who produced a historical exhibition in 2019 about Strzelecki’s humanitarian mission during the Great Irish Famine, which has been touring Ireland ( They have been awarded the 2022 O’Donnell Irish Studies Fellowship at the University of Melbourne.  They will deliver a public lecture about Strzelecki at the University of Melbourne on Tue 7th February (also on Zoom), you can watch the lecture on You Tube. On the 18th of February they, as guests of KHI, delivered the same lecture in Sydney,

watch a short report here on You Tube

February 2023 -a Melbourne school we liaise with, named after P.E. Strzelecki, announces a competition under the patronage of the Jagiellonian University; the results to be announced in November 2023. KHI will support this initiative in its media outlets. Enquiries

In mid Februry, PCCV is planning a Conference for the Leaders in Ballarat with a special Strzelecki Lecture for the teachers. A competition for school kids is also planned. Enquiries: Bozena Iwanowska

March 2023 – KHI announcing the International Strzelecki Competition for youth & adults: music-fine arts-poetry in English and Polish. The Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs /Dept. of Public Diplomacy will help announcing the competition worldwide. Great Gala planned in mid-October 2023 in Sydney. The awards: a total AUD$25,000.00 Enquiries:

NGARIGO IN POLAND May 2023 – KHI is planning a two-week trip of a 10-person group of Monaro Ngarigo Aborigines to Poland, Kraków-Warszawa-Poznań, starting 7 th of May. Performances by 7 members of the group forming a choir “Djinama Yilaga” led by renowned Walbunga/Ngarigo artist, Cheryl Davison, a capella & guitar accompaniment. Trip filmed by a cameraman from a Poznan TV station. Info:

May 19 th – Strzelecki Exhibition in Adelaide (Dom Polski). “PE. Strzelecki Australian Explorer-Irish Humanitarian” organized by Marysia Thiele KHI & Polish Hill Church Museum. Contact:

August 2023 – a visit of Academia DUCHA experts with Strzelecki programs specifically designed for children and teachers (on an invitation of Polish Teachers Association of NSW). Contact: Marianna Lacek, OAM,

Sydney, August 2023 -an event planned by dr Monika Konczyk, Consul General of Poland, along with the Consulate of Ireland. Info:

POLAND October 2023 – KHI representatives taking part in the main Strzelecki Year celebrations in Poland: Głuszyna, Koszuty & Poznan. Marysia Thiele along with a young Aboriginal- winner of a Youth competition, both assisted by Mr Zdzislaw Leliwa, administrator of Mount Kosciuszko portal and KHI member Krzysztof Lachowicz, both from Poland. Traveling in the footsteps of Strzelecki and Adyna Turno (Sędziny, Więckowice, Objezierze, Dobrzyca). Dur. 2 weeks. Enquiries

SYDNEY 6 th October 2023 KHI main celebrations in Sydney incl. Competition Gala featuring Australian and possibly international winners. Exhibition of selected fine art works; launching of an e-book with best competition poems & images. Presenting best songs on screen; some to be performed live, depending on winners’ availability. Enquiries

SNOWY MOUNTAINS November 2023 – by KHI – two outdoor events at Khancoban (NSW) & Towong (VIC). 18 th Nov. Khancoban Airstrip, Polish Aboriginal Flights over Geehi & Mt Kosciuszko. 19 th November, Towong, unveiling the Strzelecki Memorial Plaque at the Towong Hill Heritage Drive; followed by a concert at the Corryong Memorial Hall. Exhibition of works by the winners of the fine arts competition. Enquiries

GIPPSLAND December 1-17 th 2023 A two-week trip for the “Strzelecki ambassadors”, young Polonia coming also from distant cities (Darwin, Brisbane, Perth & Adelaide). 50 guests will be taken by a coach in the footsteps of Strzelecki and his monuments: Traralgon, Heywood, Korumburra, via Strzelecki settlement, to Corinella and back to Melbourne. Hoping for a cultural event with the participation of the local community in the historic Strzelecki Hall. The official closing of the Strzelecki Year planned in The Syrena Polish Club, Rowville on Sat 16 Dec. an artistic concert, screening of the film from Friendship Flights and the promotion of the competition E-Book, followed by a farewell Mass at the Divine Mercy Shrine, Keysborough on Sunday 17th Dec. Enquiries: and/or

Prep. by Ernestyna Skurjat-Kozek, President of Kosciuszko Heritage Inc.

Sydney, updated 24th February 2023.

This preliminary program of events is still a draft and could be subject to cancellations due to the grant financial restrictions.

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Interesting links

Strzelecki Calendarium before 1840 and after The Hidden Heritage of Towong Major Clews: Strzelecki’s Ascent on Mt Kosciuszko A Polish Count in County Mayo by prof. Ch. Kinealy Who was

Poznańska wystawa z okazji Roku Strzeleckiego ONLINE

PDF. Obejrzyj poznańską wystawę z okazji Roku Strzeleckiego W obecności wiceprezydenta Miasta Poznania, ambasadora Australii w Warszawie, wiceszefowej irlandzkiej misji dyplomatycznej i przewodniczącej Osiedla Głuszyna odsłonięto 24 marca br wystawę obrazującą

Fani Strzeleckiego w Pennant Hills

Dziesięć lat temu nawet się nam nie śniło, że Irlandia uzna Strzeleckiego za swego bohatera narodowego i że irlandzcy profesorowie będą nas tu w Australii nauczać o Dobrym Samarytaninie. W