Sydney, August 2023 – an event planned by dr Monika Konczyk, Consul General of Poland, along with the Consulate of Ireland. Info:

Poland, October 2023 – KHI representatives taking part in the main Strzelecki Year celebrations in Poland: Poznan, Głuszyna and Koszuty: Marysia Thiele of Adelaide assisted by Mr Zdzislaw Leliwa, administrator of Mount Kosciuszko portal and KHI member Krzysztof Lachowicz, both from Poland. Also traveling in the footsteps of Strzelecki and Adyna Turno (Sędziny, Więckowice, Objezierze, Dobrzyca). Enquiries

Sydney, 6 th October 2023 – KHI main celebrations in Sydney incl. Competition Gala featuring Australian and possibly o/s winners of the International Strzelecki Competition: exhibition of selected fine art works; launching of the e-book containing best (possibly all) competition songs, poems & images. The best songs to be presented on screen; some to be performed live, depending on winners’ availability. Enquiries

Snowy Mountains, November 2023:
* Saturday, 18 th November, 10 am, Towong (VIC) unveiling the Strzelecki Memorial Plaque at the Towong Hill Heritage Drive; followed by a concert at the Corryong Memorial Hall; featuring guests from Chicago – Paderewski Youth Orchestra; exhibition of competition entries.

* Sunday, 19th November, Khancoban NSW, Khancoban Airstrip, Polish Aboriginal Flights over Geehi & Mt Kosciuszko. In case of bad weather retire to the Memorial Hall, Corryong for local celebrations. Enquiries

Gippsland, 13–17th December 2023 – organize a paid hotel & bus load to travel in the footsteps of Strzelecki and his monuments: Traralgon, Heywood, Korumburra, via Strzelecki settlement, to Corinella and back to Melbourne. Hoping for a cultural event with the participation of the local community in the historic Strzelecki Hall.

Considering a trip to a Gippsland town where the famous band Strzelecki Stringbusters’ show would be held.

Victoria, December 2023:
Rowville, 16th December – the official closing of the Strzelecki Year will be held in the Polish House ‘Syrena’ in Rowville. There will be an artistic concert, screening of the film from Friendship Flights and the promotion of the competition E-Book.

Keysborough, 17th December – farewell Mass at the Divine Mercy Shrine in Keysborough. Enquiries: and/or

Prep. by Ernestyna Skurjat-Kozek, President of Kosciuszko Heritage Inc.
Sydney, updated July 3rd, 2023


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