Three committee members have met with the Most Rev. Julian Porteous, the Auxiliary Bishop of Sydney, to discuss next year’s Kosciuszko festival.

Ernestyna Skurjat-Kozek, the president of Kosciuszko Heritage, John Molski and Professor Andrzej Kozek discussed plans for the festivities, including the Centenary Mass that will take place on the summit of Mount Kosciuszko.

“From the first moment, it became clear that Bishop Julian was very interested in our project. He said that the solemn Mass must be held regardless of the weather: ‘Rain or hail, we will go through it no matter what.’ The Bishop even has a vision for the finished sermon. We discussed many liturgical, logistical and organisational things,” said Ernestyna Skurjat-Kozek.

The festival, called Dream Lights, will take place from Saturday, February 23 to Sunday, February 24, 2013.

Ernestyna’s full account of the meeting, written in Polish and originally published on Puls Polonii, is available below.

Read more article Z wizytą u biskupa Juliana Porteousa (in polish).