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News > 12/4/2012

Festival promoted in the Summit Sun

An article about the festival has appeared in the Summit Sun newspaper, which is produced for the Snowy River Shire and communities in Australia's high country.

Polish festival to soar over Kosciuszko

The NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) invites everyone to come and enjoy the sixth annual Kosciuszko Festival, called K'Ozzie Fest, this weekend.

NPWS Manager for Visitor Services Andrew Harrigan says the festival celebrates culture, achievement and the environment, and offers a chance to learn more about the ties between the Snowy Mountains and Poland.

"I hope everyone will join us at an all-day picnic on April 14 at the historic St Thomas Church in Moonbah and then spend a few days exploring the high country, glorious after a wet summer," Mr Harrigan said.

To read the rest of the article in the Summit Sun, please click here.
Kosciuszko Heritage  
Over the Moonbah festival